" The Atlantic slave trade brought "millions of workers from Africa" to the southern United States to work on agricultural plantations."
It is now and has always been about semantics with the deniers of the atrocities of slavery. " If we twist the language just right then it won't seem so bad." Let's call them " workers" instead of slaves. Let's make it seem as if the people came on their own volition to toil the fields of the plantations in all types of harsh conditions ( for free) . Make it seem as if they were all dancing a jig, and superbly content with making babies that they knew would come to the same fate as themselves. I also call B.S. on all of that ridiculously faulty logic! Call it what is was- man dominating man for his own corrupt, and evil purposes. The truth hurts, but these lies kill! So sad, and such a stain on the integrity of anyone who perpetuates these fairy- tale falsehoods! Thanks for your writing.