Thanks for this read! I appreciate many of your thoughts on this subject. I too am a fan of Jung's writings. His ideas on personality and typology are super informative. I have not read the selection that speaks to his "answer to Job", and why God may have made a mistake in his treatment of Job. My understanding of this biblical story is that God himself did not cause Job's tragedies; he did though allow Satan to inflict terrible pain upon Job. As with most of the writings that pertain to the human condition in the Bible there is supposed to be a lesson learned through someone else's failings, downfalls, and even in their triumphs. My understanding is that Jobs's sufferings were allowed to show that even through the worst of things that life can throw at you, your faith in God and doing your best to stay sustained and faithful will in the end work out in a positive way for you. Carl Yung was an amazing man. His thoughts on discovering the "true you" can be a monumentally helpful tool in getting to know yourself and others. I also recommend his writings for this purpose. But, like any and everything that man does and says we must verify in our own hearts and minds that the information is accurate.