Have you watched Tyler Perry’s latest cinematic drama? Well, the title of this writing may help you if you are not familiar with the film. It is aptly titled MEA CULPA. Mea Culpa is a Latin word which is translated as ‘through my fault.’ It is also used in the legal setting and can be construed as ‘a confession of guilt.’ If you were to use the phrase when speaking to someone it might mean that you are expressing great remorse or contriteness. You know, you're really sorry!!
Mea Culpa the movie as described on the Rotten Tomatoes listing, has an 18% rotten tomatoes rating thus far and a 38% audience approval rating. One of the reviews that I previewed stated, “worst movie ever.” Well, I have seen some fairly awful movies in my time; I'm looking at you ‘Air America’, sorry Mr. Gibson. The brain cells that I used to focus on that film I'm sure will never be able to regenerate, they’re lost forever, but I digress. I don't generally put a lot of stock into what critics say and write because I like to think for and make decisions on my own. This movie, Mea Culpa as far as I’m concerned doesn't fit into the worst movie, or even close category.
Spoiler Alert: I will be mentioning some possible key scenes associated with the movie, but in no way am I totally giving a synopsis of the film. The low rating score of the movie and the really negative reviews of some of the patrons perplexed me, leading me to this writing. Here are my thoughts as to why the movie has thus far met with such a “meh” attitude.
I think that Kelly Rowland did a really good job with her portrayal of a defense attorney taking on a case that seemed almost an open and shut proposition. I really liked her; I can't believe, you believe, I believe this nonsense face! Pouted lips and all. I believe though that one of the reasons for its lackluster opening is that the movie is rather predictable in the beginning. The charming criminal seduces and uses the unwary attorney causing her to break her marital vows, and breaking the moral legal code of which she is bound to. Okay. When she and her private detective friend/ colleague both came to the same conclusion; the defendant is either a fantastic liar, or he’s very high on the psychopathic spectrum, it’s seemed that that would have been a wrap for her. But alas, no. Hmmmm.
I found myself asking was the score so low because many women probably could see themselves as Kelly’s character being taken in and deceived by someone whose only true motive was to be exonerated from a crime that he truly committed, or could they resonate with being with someone who was exhibiting highly narcissistic traits and would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. Was it just too real? Deflection maybe?!
If you are a person with highly attuned sensibilities to graphic images there may be a few places where you may want to peep through your fingers. Some of the scenes were not for the faint-hearted.
I must say that the best part of the movie for me was the ending. The last thirty to forty minutes were quite interesting. Several true plot twists! Characters were being exposed as malignant narcissists and quite the villains. Things were being brought to the fore that most audiences would not have seen as a possibility of happening. It showed grandiose narcissism at its best with some truly intriguing and scary moments.
I found myself later thinking about the depths of darkness and the macabre thoughts and actions that we as humans are willing to succumb to in order to have what we want. I have heard it reported that the number one issue that people who have been through a relationship that involves narcissism is getting others to believe their narrative of the person they are pointing to. How could this person possibly be the vile individual that they are describing? This in turn often can lead to a delayed healing process. Most mental health professionals would probably say and agree that a narcissists’ greatest fear is being exposed (unmasking) as someone who is not as they claim to be. Perception is truly reality to them. Whatever it takes to keep the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, they are willing to do.
So, all in all I enjoyed the movie. The ending redeemed the uninspiring, not this same old plot again storyline. The actors did a great job at making the actions believable, and I didn’t need to put too much imagination into following the script. It has only been airing for a few days now, so it may take more time for folks to watch and appreciate what this film offers to those who are willing to dive a little deeper and think a little harder.
Give it a try, it's worth the price of the popcorn!!