I like this. Some interesting thoughts to ponder. I am definitely a "satisficer," but not in the way Ms. Gotlieb described it. I was never worried about a biological clock, or if the man was out of my league. No one is out of my league. Most of us have similar wants and desires in a partner. Affection, care, concern, and someone to watch our six. We may not be compatible in the way we think , feel, and go about life; which in turn would make us not a good fit, but out of my league, never. As Dr. Phil used to put it " that dog don't hunt." I also would not spend copious amounts of time searching for Mr. Perfect, (as a "maximizer" might), he doesn't exist. I am a big proponent of the 80/20 rule. No one can complete you, or make you whole. Why not be satisfied with someone who comes pretty darned close to the goal of contentment? Great article, good read!