I know that the silent treatment gets a bad rap from most experts and others, but I am not sure if it deserves all the venom that it inspires. I have been guilty also of using this “technique” to give myself time to cool off, think of solutions, and control the anger that I had at the time. I know it may seem childish, but I would rather be silent than to say or do something that I will regret later, or can’t take back. Words can often cut deeper and wound much longer than a physical injury! I was in a relationship where the person thought everything they said was profound! It usually wasn't. They would spout out things that to this day make me cringe and wonder why in the world would a grown person say this and expect things to be okay afterwards?! I know that every relationship is different and having a grasp on who you’re dealing with is crucial in settling differences. Sometimes silence is truly golden!