I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my writing. I also appreciate that everyone is entitled to their opinion and is entitled to live as they see fit, that everyone includes- Eboni K Williams. I do not believe that anyone who makes an honest living deserves to be demeaned for doing that job. I don't care if you drive a bus, pick up trash, or are a CEO of a corporation. Obviously, all of these jobs are required to make the system run well. I don't buy into the trope of so-called Black excellence, but I also do not try to dictate what/ how anyone else chooses to feel about it. If that is her opinion that is also her business. She can date, marry, or cohabitate with anyone she desires. Your biases may actually be the reason why you did not get the gist of the writing, as I was asserting that we should be trying harder to understand each other's point of view and work towards common ground, not just taking note of ours, but that of others also. Maybe if we could stop the antics with all of these ridiculous HVM/HVW monikers and just try to be better humans in general we'd all be a ahead of the curve.