" But that's why getting older terrifies the very beautiful in particular."
Seems to be so true! I am regularly seeing in my news feeds stories of how one older celebrity woman or another looks so fabulous in a bikini. I never read them. Though I respect most of these women, and wish them the best, I don't care how they look in their swimsuit. I'm not particularly impressed with their ability to wear their clothing well. I embrace my body as it is. I like anyone else may feel the need to work on an area that I am not overly pleased with, but comparisons are not my thing. A quote attributed to Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorites; " Elegance Is The Only Beauty That Never Fades." I've earned all my" physical flaws," and I will be the only one who decides if I need to change them or not. Not society. They can go kick rocks, and sing a little ditty as they traipse down the road. Thanks for your great writing.